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Dinsdag 18 Junie 2013

kampus tekhnologi infomasi

Seiring berkembang nya Tekhnologi di Indonesia, banyak anak-anak zaman sekarang yang sejak kecil disuguhi komputer dan internet, sehingga mereka terlalu aktif didunia komputer dan internet. Karena Kegemaran nya itu, banyak anak-anak yang akan melanjutkan studi kuliah dengan mengambil jurusan tekhnologi informasi.

         Ada banyak kampus di jakarta yang menyediakan program tekhnologi informasi, salah satu kampus ternama di Jakarta adalah Universitas Budi Luhur. Universitas Budi Luhur sudah sejak lama terkenal dengan kampus tekhnologi informasi karena di Universitas Budi Luhur rata-rata mahasiswa nya sangat senang yang berhubungan dengan komputer dan internet. di Universitas Budi Luhur juga tersedia banyak fasillitas seperti :

1. Ruangan Kelas
2. Perpustakaan
3. Laboratorium Komputer
4. Hostpot Area
5. Masjid
6. Student Lounge
7. dan lain-lain

Anda ingin melanjutkan kuliah yang tepat? segera daftar di Universitas Budi Luhur

Lokasi :
Jl. Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Utara, Jakarta Selatan, 12260. Dki Jakarta, Indonesia
Telp : 021-585 3753, Fax : 021-585 3752

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tempat kuliah di Jakarta

            Jakarta adalah ibukota Indonesia. Dimana banyak perusahaan, tempat wisata, tempat-tempat bersejarah, dan banyak juga perguruan tinggi. Banyak orang merantau ke Jakarta hanya untuk mencari pengalaman khususnya dibidang pendidikan.

           Banyak Tempat Kuliah di Jakarta yang menawarkan program-program studi menarik untuk di naungi, contohnya saja, salah satu Universitas swasta terbesar di Jakarta Selatan yang menawarkan program kuliah sebut saja Universitas Budi Luhur. Universitas Budi Luhur merupakan pilihan tepat untuk melanjutkan studi kuliah, karena di Universitas Budi Luhur mempunyai dua program kelas diantara nya :

- Program Kelas Reguler
- Program Kelar Non Reguler

Program Kelas Reguler, program dimana untuk kalian yang iingin fokus kuliah saja dan sedangkan Program Kelas Non Reguler, program dimana jika kalian ingin berkerja sambil kuliah. Jadi kalian tidak perlu bingung lagi jika kalian ingin berkuliah sambil berkerja di Universitas Budi Luhur lah semua itu tersedia.

Anda ingin Berkuliah sambil Berkerja? Segera Daftar di Universitas Budi Luhur.

Lokasi :
Jl. Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Utara, Jakarta Selatan, 12260. Dki Jakarta, Indonesia
Telp : 021-585 3753, Fax : 021-585 3752

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Donderdag 14 Maart 2013

Cerita Rakyat Batu Golog


A long time ago in the area near the river Padamara Sawing in West Nusa Tenggara lived a poor family. The wife was named Inaq Lembain and her husband named Amaq Lembain
Their livelihoods are agricultural laborers. Every day they walk kedesa village offers strength to pound rice.
If Inaq Lembain pound rice that came with her two children as well. One day, he was busy pounding rice. Both children he put on a flat rock near where he worked.
Surprisingly, when Inaq started mashing, where they sat stone increasingly rising. Feel like removed, then his eldest son started calling his mother: "Mom is getting high rock." But unfortunately Inaq Lembain was busy working. He replied, "My son wait a minute, she had just mashing."
That happened repeatedly. Flat rock was increasingly grow to more than palm trees. The two boys then shout uncontrollably. However, Inaq Lembain keep busy pounding and winnowing rice. The sound of children's increasingly faint. Finally, the voice was not heard from again.
Stone Goloq it higher and higher. Up to bring the children reach the clouds. They were crying uncontrollably. Only then Inaq Lembain realized, that her children were gone. They were taken up by Stone Goloq.
Inaq Lembain sobbed. He then prayed to be able to take his son. Syahdan prayer is answered. He was given supernatural powers. with his belt he will be able to cut stones Goloq it. Magically, the stone was cut with belt severed into three parts. The first part falls somewhere which later was named the Village Gembong olrh because the soil there shaking. Part two fall in place called Dasan stone because there are people who witnessed the fall of a fragment of this stone. And the last piece falls somewhere causing a roar. So the place was named Montong Teker.
While the boys did not fall to the earth. They have turned out to be two birds. The eldest son turned into birds Kekuwo and sister turned into a bird Kelik. Because they originate from humans, the two birds were not able to incubate their eggs
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Cerita Rakyat Si Rusa and Si Kulomang


Deer in the Aru Islands have the ability to run very fast. However, due to excess, they become arrogant and greedy animals. For fun, they challenge other animals raced. Defeated opponent must surrender their homes to the deer. Of course, deer are the winner. There have been many areas of the Aru Islands are managed under their control. The extent of the area they make the deer feel powerful. They consider themselves sovereign island nation.
Elsewhere, on the banks of the Aru Islands, there is a very beautiful beach. Waves that overtime, the cool breeze and the warm sand make anyone feel comfortable being there. That's where living marine snail known as animal cunning and patient. They live together and mutual assistance. They are aware of the weakness of their bodies. However, they believe that brain power is not inferior to any other force. One day, a deer slug named Kulomang challenged to compete. In addition to mastering the beauty of the beach, wishing to satisfy the deer to add to the collection victory. The deer are very yakiin can defeat slugs. Across the island, the most famous animal siputlah slow walk. Walking and running are not visible difference. Additionally, snail shells always bring more than their body size. For deer, there is no obstacle that bothered him to win the match. But, there is one thing that is forgotten deer, snails are animals known for their cunning.
Game day arrives. The deer took his entourage to watch the game with optimistic face. Not to be outdone, the snail also bring ten friends. Each of them was placed in each stop has been determined. He asked that his friends reply to every word deer. The track is going to wear, including the past 11 resting place where it began the game. He himself will be at the starting line with a deer arrogant.
"Are you ready to accept defeat, the snails?" Challenged deer with congkaknya.
"Who's afraid?" Said the short slug.
The match began. The deer ran as fast as lightning precedes slug. While snail walked calmly toward the bushes. A few hours later, the deer had to post the first stop. His breath up and down quickly. Leaning against fatigue in the tree, deer muttered.
"Just to which the slower it runs? Hihihihi ...? "
"Until behind you," said a friend who had alerted snails in the bush.
Slugs are startled deer are nearby. I was so startled deer, he jumped and ran helter skelter. No fatigue he felt cared about. The deer kept running. To the point, he did not stop at the second post. In the third post, he was exhausted. He paused for breath.
"Now, it may not be able to slug after me! 'Said interrupted deer he panted.
"Why would you think that?" Said another friend snail relaxed, deer greeting reply.
Without thinking, the deer ran again.
"No one may defeat me! What is another word deer if I embarrass our nation? "Said deer to himself.
The deer kept running and running. Do not forget at each stop, he did confirm the presence of the snail. Of course snail friend is ready to answer all the words deer. Entering the post to 11, the deer had run out of breath. I was so tired, fell down and dead deer. All the animals who had underestimated deer rejoice. Finally, managed to beat a deer slug that arrogant way
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Cerita Rakyat Asal Usul Danau Lipan


Lipan Lake is a place in East Kalimantan. Precisely in the District of Muara Kaman, which is located in the upstream Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara. The term "lake" in front of the Lipan not connote an actual lake. Because it is an area of ​​overgrown bushes broad pang.
That said, at one time, Muara Kaman is an ocean. There stood a kingdom to the airport in the bustling waterfront. Tersebutlah a beautiful princess named Princess Aji Blood White. Said the owner of the story, so called because when the Princess eat betel leaves, the water that swallowed red junk will look as it flows. Beauty is scattered all over the country and outside the kingdom.
Once, the Princess fame reached the ears of the King of China from overseas. So the king immediately membaw Abala Chinese soldiers across the sea with a large junks to apply for Miss Aji Blood White.
The presence of the King of China greeted with great fanfare. Nan dainty princess welcomed the guests with a festive dinner party. The dances and songs are presented as well to add the excitement of the party. How excited the King received a rousing welcome as it was. The dainty daughter did know that the presence of the King of China was none other than to mempersuntingnya. But once you see the movement and how to eat the food, the princess suddenly became disgusted beyond measure. It would not typically Chinese way of eating it is not the King of the difference between the way a dog eating food.
Not only have the Princess felt disgusted, even when the application filed, the Princess also feel insulted. Certainly not deserve honorable king has such character b inatang. Application is like a slap to the Princess.
However, rejection was also taken with the wrath of anger also by the King of China. He was hurt. Blood flow to the crown in the face of tremendous shame that. His hand grasped as if to dihantamkan on what is in front of him.
Coming home from there, he ordered the commander of the war to attack the kingdom of Princess Aji Blood White. The battle became inevitable. Thousands of Chinese warrior king like waves surging seas.
Facing attacks, the warrior maiden daughter did not want to lose. Ditandinginya menacing onslaught with tremendous kegagahberanian. The longer the Princess anxiously to see a wave of Chinese warrior king who could not match his war soldiers are far fewer in number. Puteri fear soon be annihilated his army.
Thus, as the incarnation of the king of magic he began to rise in times of oppression more weight. He took a chew of betel from the container. Then he chewed betel reciting magical incantations. His mouth mumbling and his beautiful eyes closed. Shortly afterwards the Princess spitting betel junk-junk all directions directions.
Magical! Sepah-junk was suddenly transformed millions of centipedes ferocious warrior who attacked the line of King of China. Centipedes, millipedes has now become a line of soldiers took over the ranks of the soldiers began to Princess Aji pressed. In an instant tentanra King China crippled by malignancy centipedes, millipedes that. Most of the remaining fled leaving the area. But the attack centipedes, millipedes were chasing all the way to the sea, where soldiers fled in jungnya. Their boat was sinking. The whole army of the King of China annihilated.
Place drown King Chinese junks became broad field that blends with the sea. Syahdan, where it is until now called Lake Lipan
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Cerita Rakyat Batu Menangis


Beautiful like the moon, the body is like a marble, grass decomposes as Virgin ... suppose that's appropriate for a beautiful girl who lives with her mother that simple in a remote village. Everyone will admit when looking at the girl. Unrelenting her makeup herself. Mirror on the wall of her house while she was weary winsome kept staring. But they sedated her beauty that is so arrogant and lazy. He did not realize that the beauty of the favors of God is a blessing to be thankful for with humility.
This girl's mother is a mother's gentle, kind and wise. He patiently accompany this girl. He just hoped one day his daughter realized how pointless his face beauty when her cavalier. The more sad also the mother to see her son who was also pretty lazy, and his will should always be obeyed even if not absurd. But the mother kept trying to obey what her daughter desired. In the morning he prayed that God help her realize her daughter. Mom did not have the power to change it.
One day, as usual, she locked herself in her room. He did not want the sun damage the skin. He reluctantly dust soiling her face. He did not like people stealing kemolekannya.
"Mom ...!"
She was calling her mother in a loud voice.
The mother rushed over to her daughter.
"Have not I told you many times that I wake up every mother should have this room set up neatly, providing scrubs and warm water, and fruit juice drink made for me ...?" He said loudly and angrily.
His mother tried to be patient, "Are not you grown up, son. You can do it all yourself. "
"You know, I'm busy," she replied.
The mother just stroked his chest. His heart was restless. Busyness beautify themselves, that's always done her a slacker it.
One day, the mother tries to persuade her to start changing temper.
"You are old, and if the mother was called by God the Mother does not worry you can take care of yourself," she said.
"I'm not asking you to be my mother," retorted the girl.
Mom really sad to hear that.
"Well, my son. Mom just begged you not to confine themselves at home. Get to know your environment so that the mother calm if one is called by God, "says that with patience.
More days passed. Finally the girl to obey the will of his mother. He did not mind anywhere with her mother. To kepta, to shop, to the homes of relatives and even to shopping to the market. But his son is stipulating that the mother was not allowed to admit in public that he was his mother. As a mother's heart would have been sliced ​​to hear it.
"Oh God, why did she have to admit I was so ashamed of him? Why is my son seangkuh, O Lord ... "
People really do not believe the two women were mother and son. Second appearance would be the opposite. The daughter is so luxurious, while the mother is very understated. Even the old mother with a dull outfit is like a maid like. Moreover, the princess had never allowed near him. If it runs, the mother should be in tow.
"Is it possible he's her mother?"
"Well maybe it's not?"
"But ..."
People whispered slander that every bebrtemu both.
"No! He is my slave, "she said.
How wounding the mother heard it. His heart was crying and she was really helpless heart pain. He whispered and pleaded with God.
"In what way you punish children proud and this evil man like Lord? If he was a child, servant must be able to understand it. But he was all grown up and have sense. It's not slave amengerti bus, "she moaned.
God has always heard the screams of his servant heart. Whatever the will of God must be a virtue. So when he punished the arrogant girl, then God must have good will for his people.
An emotion she suddenly turned to stone for the proud heart dank eras. She was aware of his mistake, but it was too late because the punishment had befallen him. He could only cry. Until now, the rock is known as "the Rock Cried"
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Cerita Rakyat Asal Mula Selat Bali


In earlier times in Daha kingdom there lived a Brahmin who benama Sidi Mantra very famous miracle. Trance Guru rewarded Widya or property and a beautiful wife. After many years of marriage, they had a son they named Manik Angkeran.
Although Manik Angkeran a handsome and intelligent young man, but he has such a lack of good, that like to gamble. He often risked losing so he had possessions of his parents, in fact owed to others. Because it can not pay debts, Manik Angkeran father asked for help to do something. Sidi Mantra to fast and pray for gods help. Suddenly he heard a voice, "Hi, Sidi Mantra, in the crater of Mount Agung no treasure guarded by a dragon Dragon bernarna Besukih. Go there and ask that he wanted to give a little fortune. "
Sidi Mantra go to Mount Agung to overcome all obstacles. Arriving at the edge of the crater of Mount Agung, he sat cross-legged. As I rang the bell and summoned him chanting the name Dragon Besukih. No sooner then utilized the dragon out. After hearing the purpose of his visit Sidi Mantra, Besukih writhing dragon and scales out of gold and diamonds. After saying thank you, Sidi Mantra excused himself. All property that gets given to Manik Angkeran the hope he will not gamble anymore. Of course, shortly thereafter, the treasure was gone for a bet. Angkeran Manik once again enlist the help of his father. Of course, Sidi Mantra refused to help anakya.
Manik Angkeran heard from friends that the treasure was obtained from Mount Agung. Manik Angkeran know to get there he had to cast a spell but he never learned the prayers and mantras. So, he just took the bell that was stolen from his father when his father sleep.
After arriving at the crater of Mount Agung, Manik Angkeran gentanya ring. He is not playing scared when he saw the Dragon Besukih. After hearing the purpose of his Manik Dragon Angkeran, he said, "I will give you treasures you ask, but you have to promise to change your behavior. Do not gamble anymore. Remember the law of karma. "
Manik Angkeran fascinated by gold, diamonds, and jewels in front of him. Suddenly there was a malicious intent that arise in his heart. Wanting to get more treasure, with lightning-quick cuts when the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Besukih beputar back to the hive. Manik Angkeran fled and was not overtaken by the Dragon. But as the magic dragon, Manik Angkeran burnt to ashes when the dragon licked his tracks.
Hearing the death of his son, Sidi Mantra heartbreak unspeakable. Soon he visited Naga Besukih and begged her son revived. Dragon tail menyanggupinya origin can return to normal. With his power, Sidi Mantra can recover Tail of the Dragon. After Manik Angkeran on, he apologized and promised to be a good person. Sidi Mantra knew that his son had repented but he also understood that they could no longer live together.
"You have to start a new life but not here," he said. In the blink of an eye he was gone. Where he stood a water source that arises growing bigger and bigger so that it becomes the ocean. With the wand, Sidi Mantra makes her mernisahkan line with her son. Now place it into the strait that separates the island of Bali with Java Bali.
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